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How to make a website from scratch

Programming · Apr 25th, 2021

So here I am. I programmed this very website with nothing but Notepad++. While this may or may not have been a good idea, I did it and it taught me a lot about WebDev and how websites work. Now why would someone go trough the insanity and intentionally avoid website-builders or other (arguably easier) means of making a website? Well, as it turns out there are a multitude of reasons why:

  1. I am stupid.
  2. Without using a website-builder, I have absolute control over the entire website. I can create and display whatever HTML, game or app that I want.
  3. Elaborating on the previous point, I can get the best possible performance. I am not dependent on boilerplate code or cookies or ads or whatever. My code only includes what it really needs.
  4. Most importantly, it inflates my ego. Now I have the universal right to scoff at other webdevs. “What?! You mere mortal used WordPress? PAH! You can’t even compare to my godlike status. I breath HTML.”
  5. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into. This may or may not influence the previous reasons.

But whatever the reasons are, I did it and the website is up now. With the following blogposts I am sharing my knowledge which I gathered over the past months.

These blogposts will be skipping a lot of details and are mainly targeted at people, who already have some experience with programming. The main intend of these posts is to lead you the way, if you decide to go through the same hell as I did. Be prepared for a large information dump, because these posts aren’t small. The total read time is about one hour. So buckle up!

The source code is public. So if you want, you can take a look at it at any time: https://github.com/Rismosch/risWebsite


  1. Hosting a Webserver and Money
  2. HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  3. How I Build My Website
  4. CSS on Mobile, and The Most Important Header Tag
  5. PHP, Databases and how my Blog works
  6. My Newsletter, Collecting Data and reCAPTCHA
  7. Improving Website Performance

Next Post: Hosting a Webserver and Money

Programming · Apr 25th, 2021

Next Post: Hosting a Webserver and Money

Programming · Apr 25th, 2021

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